What pascal is lacking in general. I was thinking, how come C and C++ have so many followers? What makes the difference?
Then I wanted to find some good game examples on Pascal. but couldnt find any. I wanted to do some basic DOS graphic stuff, but then, what was compatible with one compiler wouldnt be with another. Not to mention for the same compiler line(example, what works for FPC v1, probably wont work on v2)

Then I looked the other side and there was C/C++ with TONS of tutorials and TONS of demo source codes. And guess what. All libraries pretty much worked everywhere, with no problems.

Now you will ask what my point is here.So here it is:

-For a small community of coders, like people who use Pascal, is idiotic at least to not release the sources of your program. Dont misjudge me, I dont mean you are idiots or something,what I mean is that while some projects progress then they are abandoned and neither the author makes a penny from them, and neither the other people can benefit on learning something form the sources.

-So many libraries, and no tutorials for them. not to make a complete/demo game,but no even instructions on how to setup them.

-Complete lack of tutorials,guides,even personal sites, because people wont share heir ideas and work.

-Like 20 libraries that do the same exact thing and half of them are broken. See SDL for example.