No, I'm a guy who wouldn't mind the change, if he felt there were actually enough people to answer his questions. And yeah, I have read a lot of the FPC documentation -- but I'm still left with many questions. If I have a problem or Delphi related question I know 4x as many places to ask as I do for FPC; not to mention the fundamental differences between FPC and Delphi.

I've written a few FPC applications already which you can find here, and formerly on my own site. But it takes me almost 3x as long to program just because of language differences.

I already know, and have known for a good 2 years, that FPC is viable and a decent alternative. Barring filesizes and enhanced XP skinning compatibility in Lazarus (try the demo of WindowsBlinds with Lazarus and you'll see why I don't use it; my custom skins freak the whole application out) of course. I have already threatened CodeGear that I'll go full out FPC if they don't tell me what they're going to do with Turbo Delphi -- no update, - 1 User.