Mundo 1.5 was released!

This is mainly a bugfix release, fixing some annoying bugs in multiplayer interaction.

The project is hosted at:

Server is up! Just download and play!

You can press F1 to get a help screen.

Thanks for your feedback.

Full changelog:

* Fixed bug at login;
* Improved strenght's balance of some bosses;
* Fixes in some quests;
* Fixed bug who allowed sell the same item more than one time;
* Fixed bug that sends multiple LOAD_COMPLETED messages and cause ghost copies of the player in the spawn point;
* Fixed bug of missing equipment of other players;
* Fixed bug of repeating textures on the players;
* Fixed jump bug under multiplayer;
* Fixed behaviour of the "other players" jump;
* Fixed "animation stuck" when other player logs in;
* Fixed attack animation cut in the middle for the others players;
* Fixed mistypes in portuguese translation;
* Fixed bug that quest not close if the player have two quests to the same destiny NPC.