Quote Originally Posted by jasonf
@Angelo, it was a play on words, a joke :lol: If nothing is faster than light, then... Nothing must be quite quick (where nothing has been converted into something for the context of this joke, Read some Terry Pratchett, you'll understand )

Darkness is a wholly human invention.. It is a term created to describe the relative absence of light, something which can mean a little or very dark..

Objects are either illuminated or not. Light is energy and it reacts with objects on it's journey.. sometimes being converted into other forms of energy in the reaction, othertimes being reflected away on a different journey.. never destroyed, always converted at some point.

To say that darkness = nothing is inaccurate..
Darkness can exist even if there is light if the material the light interracts with absorbs all of the energy and converts it into other forms of energy.. no light would be reflected therefore, you wouldn't see anything.. there would be darkness... however, it is certainly not nothing.

Nothing is the absence of things. Void. Space. Space just happens to be dark because there's not a lot for light to interract with.

But darkness is not space and darkness is not nothing

What a load of waffle about nothing eh? :lol:

Hmmmm... should I? Ah might as well...

Space. Coffee. Computers. Trees. The Earth. Pluto. Stars. Anything and Everything. It's ALL a human invention. Nothing could actually be Everything, while Anything could be both. Everything could refer to anything, but not everything, or it could refer to everything, but not certain things. Anything could refer to itself, coffee, space, etc. It could also be a word with no meaning. But thats the key: 'a word with no meaning'. Whatever it is we do, its human invention. ANYTHING. If we can communicate about it, its a human invention. Why? Because think of it this way:

"Hey, look at that transport truck!"

Now, forget what what you were taught about in school on the words 'transport' and 'truck'. If you learned about these words in the dictionary, or elsewhere, just imagine you were never taught them...

"Hey, look at that transport truck!"
"what? whats a... 'transport truck'?"

Now just imagine if the words 'transport' and 'truck' were never invented? Keyword: 'invented'. If you have to be taught something for you to know, its a human invention.

Now technically, thats like the saying, if a tree in the middle of a forest falls, and theres nobody around to hear it, does that mean that there was no sound? Well, no. But if something is being referred to using a specific word, meant to mean a certain thing, like 'darkness' or 'nothing'... It could mean anything. The word 'nothing' itself isn't referring to anything, and doesn't really mean 'nothing' as we know it, it's referring to the lack of something, which is SOMETHING. So as long as we refer to 'nothing', we are saying that the only thing there is the lack of something. Example:

Normally, there are 2 apples on your kitchen table, at all times. You wake up, and say, 'Wow! Theres nothing on my table!' But in truth, the thing that IS on your table, is the lack of apples.

Now say you woke up an saw 30 apples instead of 2.
'Wow! Look at everything!'
Your not referring to everything, your referring to the 28 excess apples that normally aren't there.

So if nothing means the lack of something, and everything means the excess of something, since nothing is also black, and everything is any color, does that not mean space is also nothing and everything at the same time? Because in some areas of space, there is NOTHING, but in others, there is EVERYTHING, because normally in space, there is nothing, but suddenly we run into planets and stars?