Converting matter into energy is something which has been thought about for a long time, Star trek for example.. the trouble is always, how to get the energy back into matter in exactly the same order, shape and state as it was originally..

imagine the scenario, you convert your matter into energy and send it at the speed of light toward some other destination..
part of you consists of energy, so even by reforming your matter back into its original order and shape (no mean feat I expect) putting the energy back in exactly the same place would be (using typical British understatement) tricky... you'd end up as a piece of meat devoid of life.

Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.. which is how travel in a frictionless vacum is possible.. by throwing out objects at a velocity, you use force and therefore accellerate through space up to that velocity (examples are rifle kick and jumping out of a rowing boat)... another reason why travel faster than light is impossible, you cannot create impulses faster than light so therefore, you cannot travel faster than light... Unless there is a particle faster than light.. but then what would happen to your body and energy? The speed of light is supposed to be absolute so if do achieve the speed of light, you would die..

The only workaround is trans-dimentional voodoo to get around this limitation...

(back on track with the original thread )

the one thing which hasn't been considered enough I think is Dark matter...

Apparently, there's lots of it.. what is it? what is it made from? what are it's properties? what happens when Dark matter meets regular matter?