Apart from a small body of matter in the universe, which was the result of the big bang, we can assume that nothing is infinite... i.e.. you will get to a point after travelling very fast to the edge of the expanded universe.. infinite nothingness lies beyond..

So as nothing is infinite and light has a finite speed, it is entirely true that Nothing is in fact faster than light.

The biggest issue I think of when it comes to considering travel at speeds comparible with light is gravity and the effects of gravity.

Here's my theory...

If you can apply extreme gravitational forces, like those near the event horizon of a black hole (space and gravity have been proven to be related according to Einstein), then you would be able to travel through compressed space using conventional rockets (assuming that if you travel through compressed space you don't need power relative to the amount of compression). However, there is a chance that by compressing space at a particular point, you would in fact destroy everything within influence of the gravitational effect.. you'd certainly destabilise the fragile orbits of the solar systems within the area of influence of the grav jump, dragging everything to the point of the compressed space, untill you'd passed through and stopped the effect. Unless there was a way to apply stabilising forces outside of the area of infuence until the gravity jump was complete... even so, if this was possible, it would involve a tunnel of gates to apply an anti-force which would appear to come together at the point of jumping and even then, the maximum possible speed would be the speed of light.

This type of travel would be nearly impossible and far too dangerous to try for real as the reverse gravitational field needed to prevent complete gravitational collapse would need to be so efficient that the slightest anomaly would mean that continued use would yield noticable results to orbits of objects nearby.. possibly far away too... plus the power required would be so gigantic that it would be impossible to harness.

But this is my understanding of the universe, and more than likely wrong.