Hi Angelo,

To answer your first question, the PGD Annual is a yearly event, hence the name. Unfortunately the competition portion of the event has come and gone so you will have to wait for the registration announcement to come out which has usually been in the last few months of the year. However next year might be totally different.

I know Dom (aka savage) though, he'll host another one.

If you are interested in some of the games or information on past and current you can visit the Competitions section of the site. (Sorry no menu button yet, it's on my 'to do' list.)

Or you can read all about both the PGD Annual and the history of the site in the current issue of Dev.Mag! I highly recommend giving it a read through.

As for the project plan request for this year... we simply needed something to show for all the interested parties and to have something concrete to start everyone off on the right foot. A 'real' design document would be a bit more formal. However there is no one way to write one up.

Jeremy's article does a good job of explaining what you need to outline a fully formal design document and a few other documents as well however not all of these are required all the time in all cases.