We've released an alpha build of GameVision Studio (GVS) which is an IDE that can be used to edit/compile/manage object pascal source files. GVS supports a large subset of the Delphi/Object Pascal syntax and can produce stand alone EXEs.

It includes the GameVision API as part of the language and is aimed at developers that need a light weight IDE to code there game projects in. The goal is for it to evolve into a complete and robust development environment for making 2D games. Additional tools to be added include font/title editors and other tools essential to game development.

Also there is support for extending GVS through extension DLLs. For example if you needed to bind your own native code and make it available when compiling, you can create a DLL that will be loaded upon startup and bind your native routines to the system. This will also be expanded in the future to allow plug in support for the IDE as well.

So the GameVision SDK will give you the ability to use GVS stand alone, to expand the system with extension DLLs and use your favorite compiler to access the GameVision API directly. Later we hope to add syntax for C/C++, Basic and maybe JavaScript.

Visit our website at http://www.softbeat.net for more information, screen shots and downloads.


SoftBeat Dev Team