Hello everybody,
due to the lack of activity on the forums i decided to post this little game
i'm working on, it's still in alpha stage but i enjoy it a lot, mostly because
i like japanese robots



It's an horizontal shooter where you have to kill hordes of Zakus, coded
with the good old DelphiX.

The game works by waves of 30 seconds each, every wave shows new
enemy mobile suits with more aggressive AI (wave 1-2 zakus go only straight, from 3 on they move diagonally and shoot).
If you don't let more than 10 enemies pass behind you you'll get some
extra points. Task, go for the highscore

Of course if you are hit by a laser or an enemy you lose life points or shield
points. You have only one life with energy and shield %.

In game keys:

UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT : basic movements
Z: shoot
X: activate shield (deactivate by realeasing the key)
PAUSE: pause the game
SPACE: enter the game
ESC: go to menu if ingame, exit from game else.

Tip: set a low midi volume (<50%) on the pc because the tune may be
disturbing at 100% and it covers the sfx.

There's still lot of work to do on in, like tuning volumes, looping ingame
music, improove collisions, bonus drops, better zakus' AI and online
scores. Also it soffer of some slowdown sometimes, there's no optimization
at all eheheh :lol:

Updates will follow

As usual, let me know what you think! Have fun