The ANGEL door kit contains a number of units for TP 7.0 for the development of doorgames for BBS systems. It contains an entire new system of writeln (awriteln, awriteiccln for color) to use in getting the console program's output to show up on the BBS when users play the game.
The problem is that I can't get the traditional or example defined methods of inserting a variable into a line of output.
e.g. awriteln('Your health lvl is',hitpoints); doesn't work. I'm pushing forward in developing the text based rpg with traditional writeln statements for any output containing variables in it, and awriteiccln for other messages to be in ANSI color. The problem is I don't know if this will work when the program is ran as an external door from a bbs. It does work as a standalone.

If anyone has used ANGEL successfully, please let me know either a way to use awrite's to display variables (mainly integers) or whether someone can tell me if the generic writeln is compatible or not with a BBS.