
I'm drawing an UI using ID3DXSprite of DX9, but it's rendering too slow and it's using a lot of the processing power. Is that normal?? I'm just drawing a few elements in a 800x600 window. Each element is drawn by cropping and transforming a texture, using the ID3DXSprite methods. First I thought it was my old computer, but recently I bought a new processor, RAM and NVidia card, and it still takes a lot, eating about 50% of processing in the Intel Core Duo 2. Profiling my application I found rendering a cylinder takes about 0.00001 seconds in average, but drawing the UI window with ID3DXSprite takes 0.013 seconds!! How is that possible? A quad shouldn't have more vertices than the cylinder. Also, I'm trying to optimize the rendering by separating the 3D drawing and the 2D drawing, so I call ID3DXSprite::Begin just once per frame, but it doesn't help. Is ID3DXSprite::Begin changing so many states that it dramatically slows
down the performance? I also tested enabling and disabling the vsync delay, but it still kills the processing.

Testing the application with PIX, I found long sequences of IDirect3DTexture9::AddRef() followed by IDirect3DTexture9::Release(). This is an example of those sequences:

3791 <0x02E333E0> IDirect3DDevice9::Release() 412395202
3792 <0x02E02EE0> IDirect3DTexture9::AddRef() 412427029
3793 <0x02E02EE0> IDirect3DTexture9::AddRef() 412430764
3794 <0x02E02EE0> IDirect3DTexture9::AddRef() 412437052
3795 <0x02E02EE0> IDirect3DTexture9::Release() 412440240
3796 <0x02E02EE0> IDirect3DTexture9::Release() 412443948
3797 <0x02E02EE0> IDirect3DTexture9::AddRef() 412447248
3798 <0x02E02EE0> IDirect3DTexture9::AddRef() 412449528
3799 <0x02E02EE0> IDirect3DTexture9::AddRef() 412455032
3800 <0x02E02EE0> IDirect3DTexture9::Release() 412458043
3801 <0x02E02EE0> IDirect3DTexture9::Release() 412460368
3802 <0x02E02EE0> IDirect3DTexture9::AddRef() 412463026


3836 <0x02E02EE0> IDirect3DTexture9::Release() 412572413
3837 <0x02E333E0> IDirect3DDevice9::AddRef() 412577404
Could that be related to the slow performance? There are also other long sequences of IDirect3DTexture9::LockRect() and IDirect3DTexture9::UnlockRect() calls which look very expensive, like this:

4380 <0x02E333E0> IDirect3DDevice9::GetDeviceCaps(0x02D5FB14)
4381 <0x02E333E0> IDirect3DDevice9::CreateTexture(256, 256, 6,
0x00000000, D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8, D3DPOOL_MANAGED, 0x0039CCC0 -->
0x02E37900, NULL) 431856312
4389 <0x02E37900> IDirect3DTexture9::LockRect(0, 0x02D5FAA8, NULL, 0)
4390 <0x02E37900> IDirect3DTexture9::UnlockRect(0) 433392864
4391 <0x02E37900> IDirect3DTexture9::LockRect(1, 0x02D5FAA8, NULL, 0)
4392 <0x02E37900> IDirect3DTexture9::UnlockRect(1) 434254523


4480 <0x02E37900> IDirect3DTexture9::UnlockRect(3) 447923018
4481 <0x02E37900> IDirect3DTexture9::LockRect(4, 0x02D5FAB0, NULL, 0)
4482 <0x02E37900> IDirect3DTexture9::UnlockRect(4) 447938193
4483 <0x02E37900> IDirect3DTexture9::LockRect(5, 0x02D5FAB0, NULL, 0)
4484 <0x02E37900> IDirect3DTexture9::UnlockRect(5) 447946941
The time between those Lock()/Unlock() is 0.015325837 seconds, that's a long time!! It seems the most possible reason of the slow performance. But, what could be causing all those expensive calls? Could it be about the texture? I'm loading the texture from disk, and create it with a call like this:

D3DXCreateTextureFromFileInMemoryEx&#40;_Scene.Device, @Transference.Content&#91;1&#93;, Length&#40;Transference.Content&#41;, 0, 0, 1, 0, D3DFMT_UNKNOWN, D3DPOOL_DEFAULT, D3DX_FILTER_NONE, D3DX_FILTER_NONE, 0, nil, nil, _Texture&#41;;
Any ideas?