Not too bad, though I would suggest that you find yourself a good copywriter and use them. I noticed quite a few glaring English mistakes as I read through the issue.

On the side of content, one of the best magazines (IMHO) that the Delphi/Pascal world lost was Delphi Mag. With authors such as Julian Bucknall and many other giving articles on very specific topics such as sorting a doubly linked list and what options worked best when the magazine was the best read I could find while it was still in existance.

I think it would be interesting to find another mag that put forth information on specific general topics that can be used in any library. These should be from the very basics (something about object management and garbage collection) all the way up to high level topics (vertex normalization between rendering contexts and the use of display lists to minimize render times, threading and the new processors that are becoming common).

Just my two cents for what its worth.