Finally after a year of hard work I have finished Phase 1 of Projekt "W". Phase 1 is the first relase and is not a demo but a full game with no restrictions or limitations, with "Phase 2" (added features and more) to follow next year.

Up to now this has been my most complex and ambitious project and I'm happy at what I accomplished so far and I hope you enjoy playing this one too. In case you didn't read my other posting about Projekt "W" : It's a turn-based strategy game and your goal is to lead one of the fictive five nations ot global world-domination.
It has been written using Borland's Delphi (started with Delphi 7, moved to Turbo Delphi last year), uses OpenGL for graphics and renders complex backgrounds together with a detailled globe and reflecting water using OpenGL-shaders. It also uses FMOD for sound and music-output.

Get the download, much more information and a lot of new screenshots over at the game's official page.

Note that I did this on my own and since this is a complex game and I don't own a full QA-department there will be bugs and balancing may need some adjustments. So if you find any problems or bugs just post them here and I'll collect the feedback for the first patch.