
It's not a game, but it has been built with PGD related technologies: JEDI-SDL, Font Studio and S2DL. Saturday I held a presentation about FPC at NLLGG, "Dutch Linux Users Group", introducing the new FPC 2.2-beta1. As many people have already seen dozens of Powerpoint, or, for Linux people, Impress presentations, I decided to be a bit original: Code the presentation in FPC itself, using S2DL.

The result came out very well. For many here it'll be wrong language, but is a very nice example of how you can use S2DL and JEDI-SDL for more than games, and perhaps someone can reuse it for his own presentation. I've uploaded it at http://www.freepascal.org/~daniel/fpcpres02062007.zip

Source code & Linux & Windows exes included.