Well, i bet this isnt really a large feat, but i think it is nice. especially when i think of that i only just started programming it at school today...

It is programmed in Delphi 2006, using Phoenix 2D, and my own "Tiles" and "GLComps" unit.

Future use: Making maps for my MORPG project.

Video: (bad framerate when i record. sry) http://thorins.net/downloads/mapeditor.avi

Download: http://thorins.net/downloads/Mapeditor.rar

I cannot guarantee that loading "Map1" works on Non-Vista computers, because I have not made my own file format for the maps yet, and are using ini-files, wich seem to have changed format in vista...

But if you save you own maps, they should be loadable...

P.S: It may take some time for the links to work.. i am uploading ATM

Edit: on second thought: dont save maps. they are saved as Ini-files at your computers default place to save ini-files (C:\Windows in most cases)
if you want to save/load, you have to write the entire path to the file...

Edit2 - Controls:
Right mouse button: Movement
Left mouse button: Place tile
Wheel: Change selected Tile
Left Ctrl+Wheel: Change selected Layer
Left Alt+Wheel: Change Tileset of selected Layer
Left Ctrl+Return: Add Layer