Final3D® SDL Engine ver 0.08.

Actual status of porting to SDL:

- WinXP x86/ Vista x64 / Linux (not tested)
- OpenGL 2.0
- SDL lib
- pascal language
- Viewport class
- HUD class
- Texture Factory class (currently is used DevIL lib)
- Font class
- Font Manager class (accept Nitrogen Font Studio 4 file - tga/composit)
- Image Manager class (will be used for GUI)
- SDL Input control class
- Movement control class
- Camera class
- Primitive Draw helper class

Sample code for:

- Font Manager
- Image/HUD manager
- Camera/Input control (FreeLook work with RightMouse Button)


- Skined GUI
- GUI Manager
- Scene loader
- VBO class
- Sprite3D Manager
- Billboard Manager
- Material manager
- Material Event Manager
- Surface Manager
- Shader Manager

Demo v 0.08 with source is possible download from my page

P.S.: I have problem with calc Mouse Delta X/Y, because i used in previous F3D, DXInput this values are returned from DXInput every time. Now i have created little fake for delta x.y with SDLInput, but isn't so good. I looking for a better solution or Your ideas

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