Look on my page, just now I porting of my Final3D engine, he has finished class for working with texture. Class has a lot of function for load, store and bind to face as simple Bind or for Multitexture bind to face.

I use DevIL lib with a lot of picture file formats like this:

Supports loading of:
.bmp;.cut;.dcx;.dds;.ico;.gif;.jpg;.lbm;.lif;.mdl; .pcd;.pcx;.pic;.png;.pnm;.sd;.psp;.raw;.sgi;.tga;. tif;.wal;.act;.pal;.hdr;

Supports saving of:
.bmp;.dds;.jpg;.pcx;.png;.pnm;.raw;.sgi;.tga;.tif; .pal;.hdr;;
