There is no source for PowerDraw dll and it'll not be available for public. The reason for that goes way back, when I made one of the first versions of PowerDraw and there were people copying the conversion assembly routines without any notes or anything and I've had, I'd say, "unrespectful" chat after which I decided not to publish any non-generic routines. PowerDraw3 dll consists currently of many assembly routines used generally for pixel format conversion and for PowerDraw software renderer, all written either by me or Hab and the source code for this routines is not going to be released. At least, you can see it as a small price you pay for using PowerDraw (which IS open-source). And btw, Asphyre dll will have more routines but we were thinking on making some light replacement with few capabilities which won't need the dll... although we're not sure about it yet...
