I have decide to start playing around with powerdraw 3.0 from delphix
and the problem is that there are not enough tutorials around (or i can not understand them)
I would like just to make a sprite char I have done something similar with delphix but I can not figure it out how to make it in powerdraw.

I just have an bmp image with a guy that moves around all 8direcections

And the only thing that I want to do it to move him around with the mouse
Ok I have done it with delphix and I know how to trigger the mouse and staff but how can I make the sprite to been drawn into the screen?

And another question is when I do not load the ad3d something dll from powerdraw I can not make anything apear in the screen why is that?

I have to included in everything I do?
Or not?

And what excacly does it do?

Sorry for my English.

Lots of questions but I hope that here I will learn something...
I haven't found anything else!
(Yes I am newbe! I admit it!!!) :?