Funny to see JumpStart mentioned . But, I would not recommend it to someone who wanted to learn pascal. Simply reason is that JumpStart doesn't come with the pascal source code and instead relies upon you building your game code and event code out in Lua. Of course JumpStart is built in Pascal and does run on Windows and Linux using SDL.

Instead, if your wanting to learn Pascal with a scripting language my "example engine" is a good place to start

Basically its a very very minimal version of a "game engine". First thing I'd personally do is integrate the new version of pLua into it and then get used to it. Then decide on the level integration and what support objects/methods your going to need.

As traveler said, we have seen this all before. And we are ALL guilty of the same thing, I remember back when I started I wanted to build a MMORPG (though it wasn't called that back then cuz we were all on BBS's). LOL sure thing here I am many years later and still haven't built the MMORPG . I have the knowledge but have realized that the funds are a different story.

As for starting point, try documentation out (I'll toot my own horn again). I wrote the 1st article on this and have been working on the 2nd as I have time. If you can honestly take the time to spend building your documentation out properly you are more likely to complete your game. You will have the goals you need, and have check points to test against. In fact, even if you fail (and be ready to fail) you will at least have a tangeable asset to weigh the failure against and find solutions with.

Well, I've rambled enough... Let us know how it goes as we all love to see others go through the same pain we did (It's kind of like getting married, you think you know it all till its over with, then you realize you didn't know anything).