Hey guys i would just like to inform you that i will be starting my first actual game creation now i know what i want to do would seem a little ..errm big of a job for alot of people but i feel up to it and i feel i either have or can get the knowladge i will need to do it

i was thinking of a 2d game for now kinda much like the original zelda for snes but with more of an advanced battle system like summon night for gamboy advanced or legend of mana for ps1 or even a simpler non 3d version of the tales of symphpnia battle system for GC

now making people move is one thing but making them duck,jump , and atack with a few diffrent moves along with making the ai semi smart will be my chalange...

so if anyone has any suggestions im all ears and i hope you all wish me good luck...i may need it :?