I suppose all of this apparently confilcting advice is very confusing and may make you think that we don't know what we're doing...

But it's not like that at all, we've all been coding (not just games) for so long and suffered the torment of learning the small stuff that we want to nurture you along, guiding you through the minefield so you can make progress without making the same mistakes as we did.. (as we do for everyone starting out, irrespective of how it may appear at first) but that on it's own has a problem. Knowledge comes from study and understanding, but wisdom comes from trying and making mistakes through lack of knowledge and wisdom.. You can't do anything without wisdom, study helps to minimise the mistakes, but true wisdom only really sinks in when you make a really big balls up and learn from it.

I think, basically, you have to accept that you're gonna make some real klangers along the way and you have to find your own way through the mine field.. but at least now you know there is amine field there and you're not thinking you're taking a nice stroll through the prairy only to meet with a very unexpected and unpleasant suprise.

I still make mistakes... daily... some are huge.

One day, perhaps, I'll reach the coding nirvana where I know it all and can do anything.. then, they'll bloody go and change everything so I'll just know everything about something no-one uses anymore :lol:

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