Quote Originally Posted by Demonkid43
so if anyone has any suggestions im all ears and i hope you all wish me good luck...i may need it :?
Well for starters put some dots and comma's and capital letters in your messages so we can actually read what your are typing because now i have to read your message at least twice to understand properly what it is that you are asking us

but i feel up to it and i feel i either have or can get the knowladge i will need to do it
was thinking of a 2d game for now kinda much like the original zelda for snes but with more of an advanced battle system
Funny thing, I had an entire reply written, and then it suddenly hit me. Do a search for this guy. See what else has he been been asking. So I did and then I decided to delete my message and then proceeded to write out my reply (the short version), your future replies as well as the replies to those questions.

Now mind you, I've seen posts just like the one you wrote here, more times than I can count. So instead of writing the obvious, I decided to put up something else instead. Mind you, it is not meant to discourage you in any way.
This is meant to be humerous, please try to see the fun of it. And try look for the message, because really there is one.

==================== start ==================

so if anyone has any suggestions im all ears and i hope you all wish me good luck...i may need it
-) That's simple, dont do it! You do not have the knowledge to create a zelda clone. Try a pong clone instead, then do arkanoid, then pacman, and then, only then begin to think about zelda.

Your next question:

Our answer:
Tell us, what library are you using.

What is that? I'm using Lazarus.

Our answer:
Well a library is a like a wrapper for opengl or directx, so you can more easily use images and sounds in your projects. It may also have functions and procedures to calculate, for instance, the collision detection. Samples for wrappers are Phoenix, Delphi, Asphyre or SDL.

Wow, cool. So what do I use?

Our answer:
Well, since you're uzing lazarus. Phoenix might work there.

Okay,.. now about Zelda.

Now what did we just say a couple posts up. Really, do pong instead.

Sigh, okay. So I gave it a try earlier today and I have these paddles now, but I dont know how to make them collide with the ball. How do I do that?

See, that's exactly why we said you shouldn't do Zelda. You don't have the basics covered.

skipping a few posts now

Guys, guys. I have it finished! I made pong! Here it is, please would you test it for me?

Sure,.. whats the url

oh, duh.. Pong
But, now that I made this, I think I want to do pacman next.

Ah okay,.. well if you think you're up to it.

Yeah you bet I am
Anyway, I found this site where I took all those sprites from. I'm not that good at graphics you know.

Yeah, graphics tend to be the hardest to do

Okay so eh, I want to make the level where pacman is eating the dots. How do I know when he hits a wall? I tried to use collision detection but my sprites wont move anymore after I run the game.

Yeah, you can't use collision detection with the tiles. A better way would be to write your own detection system. For example you could check if the x and y values of pacman are going to hit a tile marked as an obstacle, right before you do the actual movement.

Ehh, tiles as obstacles?

Yeah, (still think Zelda was a good idea ) ?
So tell us,.. how did you create your tilemap?

Oh ah,.. I found this tutorial about tiles. Too bad the guy who wrote it used delphiX.

Okay,.. so what you could do is create a record
something like
TTileInfo = record
tilenr : integer;
obstacle : boolean;
item : byte;

and then a create a two dimensional array using the record, like this:
TileInfo : array [0..25, 0..25] of TTileInfo;

You can then mark each cell in the array as obstacle where want it to be a wall. Like so:
TileInfo[10,10].obstacle := true;

Of course it wouldn't make much sense to do this for each and every cell, so the best way would be to create a utility that easily allows you to create maps and save them to a file, so you can read them in your game later on.

Anway, after you have marked each cell. You can use loops to draw the entire map.

Great, that was a huge help to me!

A couple days later

WILL writes (because he's a kind person and likes to let people know that he (we) is still interested).
Hey Demonkid43, how are you coming along with pacman, is it done already?

And your final reply reads:
No it isn't, I couldn't figure out how to make the ghosts go after pacman. So I abandoned the game.

=================== end ===================

Your reasons are understandable. We all want to create that one game.
But really, if you dont yet understand how the jumping and running in a game is done, what do you think involves basic pathfinding, AI, and combat systems typical for pretty much any zelda game?

Go for the simple things first. Get to know the software, the wrappers. Know what's involved before you even start writing. Before you start, be absolutely sure you know that you can do it. If you dont, dont start and take a step backwards.