Thanks for the reply

Yeah, i have noticed there are a few things that i still have to get used to, such as not having global environment paths and such

I have managed to solve the problem with it not being able to find a unit, it was because i had several inc files which looked like {$i 'Lights\} as soon as i took the inc files out of the Lights directory it seemed to work fine.

I have lazarus installed under D:\lazarus and my OS is vista (i hav'nt tried on ubuntu yet)

Can my project files directories have spaces in them?
my project directory is: "D:\pascal\My Software\Omega-R\src".

At first i tried to convert it from Delphi, but that gave me soooo many headaches because of the extra propertise in delphi forms/components, so in the end i decided to start from a fresh lazarus project, but still using most of the Delphi units.

Thanks i will turn on delphi compatability..

Im also getting a lot of errors concerning duplicate variables...
for example:
dowhat: String;
function DoSomething(const dowhat: String): Boolean;
i get the error on the "dowhat" in the function. is there a way around this as i have soooo many functions like this im hoping not to change them all.

many thanks