Hi all!,
I'm trying to crosscompile a foo JEDI-SDL based application for WinCE ARM.
I'm using las Lazarus snapshot, and the last WINCE add-in under Windows XP SP2.
Whenever I try to compile for WINCE I get the following errors:

project1.lpr(16) Error: Undefined symbol: SDL__PUTENV$PCHAR$$LONGINT
project1.lpr(16) Error: Undefined symbol: SDL_GETENV$PCHAR$$PCHAR
project1.lpr(16) Fatal: There were 2 errors compiling module, stopping
Taking a look at the sources, it seems like those functions are declared to be external in MSVCRT.dll. They might not exist for Wince, I don't know.

This the sourcecode I'm trying to compile (I think the compiler it's properly set up, because non-sdl applications are working perfectly):
program project1;

{$mode delphi}


var scr: PSDL_Surface; // Our main screen

 SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO); // Initialize the video SDL subsystem
 scr:=SDL_SetVideoMode(640, 480, 8, SDL_SWSURFACE); // Create a software window of 640x480x8 and assign to scr
 SDL_Quit; // close the subsystems and SDL
Has anybody succeded in compiling JEDI-SDL for WINCE?

Thanks in advance,