I've just uploaded a new zip which overwrite the previous version. This one contains 17 demos :
Player - Plays movies
Texture - Plays movies on a texture


Tutorial 1-6

Tutorial 1


As it turns out, DirectSound also causes problems with the .NET compiler. So that leaves 16 demos that don't currently work.

To answer your questions

1. The Managed DirectX API is much much simpler than the normal one and the XNA one is even better! You need XNA to write games for the XBox 360 and you also need .NET 2.0 compliant compiler, which I think the Turbo versions are not yet. Highlander is .NET 2.0 compliant, but it is a real pain to use with XNA. Using Chrome is much easier and has been tested on Xbox 360. The down side of Managed code is that it is slightly slower than native code, but with multi-core system getting more and more cores, this won't matter much in the very near future.

2. .NET is a different way to of writing your code/classes. If I were you I would read up on the difference between .NET and managed out and how it differs from Native coding. If an object has been released, typically you would re-create, but as long as you keep a reference to the object it will stick around in memory.

3. Managed code hates pointer. That does not mean you can't use it, but it's considered unsafe and is therefore not recommended. Again I would suggest you read up on the difference between native and managed coding.

4. I'm not sure how the Turbo versions are versioned , the best thing I can suggest is looking here - http://delphi.wikia.com/wiki/Borland...tional_Defines or posting on a CodeGear forum.

Let me know if you have any problems with the demo.