When you have the project open, in the project manager you will see a folder called "References", right click on it and you should see an option called "Add Reference..." this should open up a dialog box that lists all the assemblies installed on your system. It may take a while to load them into the dialog. If you scroll down you should find quite a few there named "Microsoft.DirectX.*". Select the ones you want to refer to an in your code add the respective namespace to your unit and you are ready to go.

To save you some time, I've managed to get the 6 Managed Tutorials working again. Download them from http://chrome.pascalgamedevelopment....s/DirectX9.zip

Hopefully the project files should open in Turbo, if not open the .dpr file and it should create a Turbo compatible project. Have a look through the code and see how it all hangs together. If only the other 28 demos were as easy to get working it would show off stuff like particle systems and even Voice Over IP.