Quote Originally Posted by Huehnerschaender
with a start and an endvalue for color you can let a particle fade in or fade out... but how do you let it fade in and out? image a fire spark that fades in until its alpha is 255 and then? It should fade out again and not just vanish... know what I mean?
That is a work for the ParticleAffectors, the color list of the old system will be moved to a color affector, that will deal with the fading between multiple colors.

The reasoning behind this is that when it's a property that isnt used in every system, or can be implemented with small overhead, move it to an affector.

Quote Originally Posted by pstudio
Will this attach the particle effect to a sprite?
It attatches to a TPHXMatrix, currently paths and jonts and tags in the models, but it might be an idea to add it to sprites aswell.

Quote Originally Posted by pstudio
With all the things you mention, you've covered all the improvements I could wish right now in the Particle System. Espicially rotation and animated particles sounds great to me.
The rotating as i mentioned is just the general direction of the particle system (modulated by each particles spawn rotation) and not rotating each particle. Rotating each particle gets quite costly.