I believe there are a few people on here who have knowledge in this area

I want to make a build of Crashblock which runs on a GP2X.
If it's viable option and what needs to be done to the game to get it to work.

Crashblock is written using Pascal, it compiles using FreePascal for both Linux and MacOSX. It uses SDL for all graphics, SDL_Mixer for all sound. it is not hardware accelerated.

My questions are:

1, Crashblock runs at 800x600. All of the graphics are fixed for this resolution. Will I have to make any changes to the rendering engine? I am aware that the GP2X has a resolution of 320x240, will it scale it down for me or am I looking at building a completely different version and re-sampling all of my graphics to make it fit? (Thinking about this, a GP2X version may do better with a scaled down version due to it's limited horsepower)

2, The GP2X has a dual core, does this take care of load balancing it's self or is it a threading thing which needs special coding to get the most out of? I'm hoping that the machine can use its processors intelligently so I don't have to alter my game too much.

3, How easy is it to develop for?

If I can get it working, I see a fairly large potential market, given that it can also display on a TV, this seems to be a cheap way to break into the Non-PC game market.

Any advice would be a huge benefit for me.