The progress on the model and particle systems is going well.

So i've decided to upload a small demo showing some of the features.

The demo uses a bunch of particle systems, per pixel lighting and multitexturing, Custom color on the ship, even through no way to change it atm and some other stuff. Note the debris that appears when you move the ship.

The jumphole particle system uses a gravity affector, the debris system a distance fading affector and the engine trails is just simple systems that are attatched to tags in the ship models.

The controls are
  • F1 = toggle between software and hardware skinning
    Enter = toggle ship control
    R = reload missile
    Mouse wheel = zoom (in ship mode)
    Space = fire

There's a few optimisations more that can be used to speed up the rendering more, there's no frustrum culling whatsoever for instance.

Requres somewhat modern hardware, tested on WinXP and vista