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Thread: SDL_Mixer: How to tell when music loops?

  1. #1

    SDL_Mixer: How to tell when music loops?

    How can I tell when the music I'm playing on infinite looped mode with SDL_Mixer has looped? I tried Mix_HookMusicFinished, but that didn't work; apparently it only notifies you when the music stops playing, which it won't do on an infinite loop. Is there another callback function that I missed? If not, is there some coding trick I can use?


  2. #2
    Co-Founder / PGD Elder WILL's Avatar
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    SDL_Mixer: How to tell when music loops?

    You could just not set it to infinite loop and hook a procedure to set a flag and restart the track upon stopping. So long as you don't unload the music file I think it could restart almost unnoticed.

    The problem of you trying to manually stop the track and having it restart then would easily be averted by putting the restart code under a flag condition. To prevent it from restarting on stopping, you'd simply set the flag to be true.

    So this procedure might look something like this

    MusicLooped: Boolean;

    procedure onTrackStop;
    if (not disableMusicLooping) then

    MusicLooped := True;
    Jason McMillen
    Pascal Game Development

  3. #3

    SDL_Mixer: How to tell when music loops?

    I guess that'll work, if it's fast. I'll test it.
    BTW, do you happen to know any way to alter the tempo of music being played? There are prebuilt effects for panning and volume, but not one for tempo, and I need a tempo effect. Does anyone know where I could find one?


  4. #4
    Co-Founder / PGD Elder WILL's Avatar
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    SDL_Mixer: How to tell when music loops?

    Hmm... unsure. Personally, I have worked with the sdl_mixer a while ago, but never really got too in depth with all of it's functions.

    I probably went through all the surface functionality as I do with almost everything new I try out, but I don't recall it being as versatile as it would take to make a fully capable player like WinAmp or anything as complex as that.

    To get what you want, some hacking into the innards of the functions might be required.
    Jason McMillen
    Pascal Game Development


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