08:24:52 INFO starting the node
08:24:52 DEBUG shared dir: e:\mp3
08:24:52 DEBUG shared dir: e:\foto
An unhandled exception occurred at $00435856 :
EConvertError : "msx" is an invalid integer
$00402BC1 IPTOINADDR, line 135 of ./src/ultimatesockets/socketunit.pas
$00402F18 GETADDR, line 171 of ./src/ultimatesockets/socketunit.pas
$00402128 TSERVER__CREATE, line 88 of ./src/ultimatesockets/serverunit.pas
$00407C37 TNODE__CREATE, line 1088 of ./src/nodeunit.pas
$0040147E TPROGRAM__CREATE, line 45 of ./src/mainunit.pas
$004010AB main, line 19 of src/dnet2.pas