I think the subject says it all I want to write a roleplaying game, but since it is a hobby, I want to do everything right (I stumbled on problems before and getting tired of it :shock and since we are blessed with the miracles of OOP, I want to do it the OOP way

What I got so far (also after browsing the net and stuff):

TImplementer - Basic class which performs all user interaction. (keypresses, game saving/loading, network play). Keeps an index to the current 'map'.

TGame - Contains all the game data, using arrays like: Map[...], Group[...] and basic game-object manipulation (experience counting etc).

TMap - Structure representing a map. Will perform the walking of characters in the map, and catch

I Dead/Wall etc tiles.

TActor - Basic fella which represents a person.


1. Players will have the control over a charactergroup. Where to put this TGroup? As a property of TImplementer, or TGame? Or am I 'missing' a class?

2. There will be different maps. Where should the logic go to decide where to change the map? (All characters have to be on the same map, and will be individually controllable).

I am having alot more questions which I am having problems wording right now. I think something is wrong about my current idea on classes, so input would be appreciated.
