OS: Vista Ultimate
IDE: Delphi 7
API: n.a

Hi everyone.

I got this weird problem. Sometimes when i close my application (my WIP), the CPU window pops up, and an AV is shown. The adresses shown in the AV are alway's one of 3 or 4 different adresses. The place where it happens in the source also differs. I don't know any source adresses that are shown in the CPU window. I think it crashes somewhere in an unknown DLL. I see some "RTL" routines in the dissasembled lines of code.

This doesn't seem to happen on my laptop which runs on XP pro. :?

Any idea's where this might come from, and how to get rid of it? Should i worry about this, or is it probably a driver or OS bug etc...

Any usefull replies would be highly appreciated.