
I have some problems adding do3D to the DXDraw options. The problems are that the function Picture.TransparentColor doesn't return the right color, when I turn an sprite or image into transparent then the borders are bad cut, and I'm not allowed to use backgroundsprites of more than 4096 pixels wide. Detailing:


To turn the sprites and images transparent I used the next function:

DXImageList.Items[8].TransparentColor := DXImageList.Items[8].Picture.TransparentColor;
DXImageList.Items[8].Transparent      := True;
But when I add DXDraw.Options := DXDraw.Options + [do3D] it stops working and all sprites and images are viewed into a square. I solved with the following change:

DXImageList.Items[8].TransparentColor := DXImageList.Items[8].Picture.Bitmap.Canvas.Pixels[0,DXImageList.Items[8].Height-1];
DXImageList.Items[8].Transparent      := True;


Now that I have solved the transparency I realise that images and sprites doesn't cut the edges correctly, and some parts of the paint not transparent are not shown. In the case of images I tried with DXImageList.Items[62].Draw(...) and with DXImageList.Items[62].DrawAlpha(...) and the effect is the same. I don't know how to solve this error, it's just like the TransparentColor would be a set of similar colors and not only one, like it has a % of margin for similar colors.

Another big problem is when I load the sprite for the background, if it's minor than 4096 it works well, but when it reaches 4095 or more pixels the image keeps its size (by example 6700 pixels) but only shows the first 4096 first pixels of the image stretching to the real size (6700 in the example).

The game admits images up to 8192x4096, so the height is not a problem, but the circuits with a width of more than 4096 pixels are bad shown. All this is with the 1.06c version of unDelphiX, with the 1.07f version the problem is bigger, the problem then is thar a background of more than 4095 pixels the background is all black with some random parts of graphics all around. But with the 1.07f is about 40fps faster.

I have some other random problems that alters the security options in the game, like CRC of files and clock cycle control, and some other times changing to full screen causes an AccesViolation.

The positive part of using do3D is that the FPS raise and I can use Alpha without lowering fps too much, if you use Alpha without do3D the performance is very very low.

Any idea about how to solve these problems??

Thanks in advance.