The textures are shown in the right way until 4096x4096, when they pass that size is the problem. I tried with textures higher than 2048 and work right.

The problem of the transparent color and the edges of the images happen in sprites or little images. I tried with a black background and other colors but are always bad cut. All images and sprites are loaded in run-time from bmp files of 256 colours.

I load the images in the next way:

[pascal]DXImageList.Items.Find('Rev').Picture.LoadFromFile (ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) + 'graficos\Revoluciones.bmp');
DXImageList.Items.Find('Rev').PatternHeight := DXImageList.Items.Find('Rev').Picture.Bitmap.Heigh t;
DXImageList.Items.Find('Rev').PatternWidth := DXImageList.Items.Find('Rev').Picture.Bitmap.Width ;
DXImageList.Items.Find('Rev').TransparentColor := DXImageList.Items.Find('Rev').Picture.Bitmap.Canva s.Pixels[0,DXImageList.Items.Find('Rev').PatternHeight-1];
DXImageList.Items.Find('Rev').Transparent := True;

and show them on the screen like this:

DXImageList.Items.Find('Rev').Draw(DXDraw.Surface, RevX,RevY,0);

but are bad cut:

Is there any other way to make it work?

ijcro thanks in advance for new version 1.08
