Huh.. do you use exactly THIS png for rendering?

I don't know how PNG works, but i think that the whole picture is infact white, but there seems to be alpha data somewhere in the file. I opened it in photoshop, and when i did "Flatten image", the whole thing turned white, and all transparency was gone. I don't know how it works, but i think openGL interprets the data as a totally white picture.

Anyway... i would advice you to use a black background instead of a transparent one.. If you use photoshop you should add a black layer beneath the current one, and merge them (If im not mistaken.. no real photoshop skilzz here :roll: )

You could also use TGA. I think OpenGL can handle those quite well. I use it myself in DirectX and i must say that it works great. You can easily add an alpha layer in photoshop, and save it with 32bpp. You don't have to do that when you want to use additive blending, because alpha is not required then.

Good luck!