I agree that it's very sad, that many companies choose C++ and almost none chooses Delphi.

I'm not ready for a career as a programmer/software designer (Too busy with study). However... i allready ordered "C++ for dummies" so i can start learning that, to spread my chances to become a succesfull coder. But i think it will be harder and less fun than Pascal. Pascal will remain my "Mother programming language"

Well later I learn latest news is Borland - Inprise & DBase with many others Borland fiasco did the job done and Microsoft marketing and strategy aggresiveness have fatally done it over.
Damn... Microsoft indeed only supports C++, C# and VB AFAIK. That will have a bad influence on delphi populairity

I would encourage everyone to start companies which use delphi/FPC and pascal. It would be great if the world knew what a powerfull and elegant language it is.

vendettanet: At first i thought it was really odd to associate programming (languages) with phenomenons like "passion" and "love", but as my experience and motivation grew, i found out that programming (which seems a bit dull) really has to do with emotions etc....

I suddenly realized this, as i was reading your post.