GOTO was probably not included in this version of Pascal as it's generally seen as "A Bad Thing".

Check the Delphi Basics definition of GOTO and you'll see what I mean.

Pascal is a very elegant language with much better solutions to all coding problems where a GOTO might have originally been used.

I was actually surprised to learn that the GOTO command even existed for Pascal. I thought it was a BASICism.

This is the most I've written the word GOTO in the last 10 years.

I am curious as to why you don't want to or can't use commands like repeat or while? They should be available in the MIDLet Pascal language. I've not personally used it so I don't know for sure, but I'd be very very surprised if they hadn't included such fundamental features in the language. is a very good site for a Pascal language reference. (although it does focus on Delphi, it's just the Pascal language with a few extras)

Wikipedia has a page for MIDLet Pascal.

P.S. Welcome to the forum