I am using the version that comes with the latest PowerDraw release on turbo. (powerdrawpre.zip or something?). According to the about box it is v1.3, so I am a bit confused when you are telling me to try to download 1.2? Is your VTDbManager a whole different program or is the counting messed up?

The font I have tried to make for example was a normal Verdana font, standard settings in the supplied FontRender.exe, with output set for FNT (v1) or something. Then I used the instruction to add the font as a FNT2 to my VTDB. All goes well, but as soon as I try to access the newly made key, a Division by zero occurs, effectively making me believe there is a bug somewhere (I tried tons of other settings as well).

I will try your FontCreator. Thanks for the tip!