Yep it is me again.

Because VTDbManager occasionally has the annoying habit of rendering my VTDb files invalid, I went to use the XML compile option, which works great! The only problem is kind of that it requires OR a bitmap kind of thing with all the parameters filled in, which I can't get since FontRender doesn't have it as a part of it's export capabilities. But the "import .FNT" option doesn't work either, since it seems that VTDbManager doesn't convert them to use FNT2 format, or FontRender spews out an invalid FNT file. So right now I am stuck using a seperate VTDb for my fonts, and whenever I want to add fonts, I pray VTDbManager doesn't mess the file up

Oh a little sidenote for VTDbManager. It might be handy not to make DELETE delete the record while you are editing the recordkey-name. I have already wiped out to many records this way

Will the source of the tools be made available in the final release? That would be great, as I currently do not have the time to write my own tools