System: Windows XP
Compiler: Delphi 2005

Hi, can anyone help me ?

I have 2 functions in a c++ dll and will them use from delphi.

1. c++

void DLL_Export SetWindowCaption( const wchar_t * wcptrtext)
{ setwindowcaption(wcptrtext);

delphi: procedure SetWindowCaption(const ca: pwidechar);cdecl;
external dllname;
SetWindowCaption('Test'); ---> this works

2. c++

void DLL_Export GetTexture(char * cptrFile)
{ return (void *) ....->gettexture(cptrFile);

delphi: function GetTexture(const name: pwidechar):texture;
external dllname
tex:=GetTexture('logo.bmp'); ------->DO NOT WORK
the dll do not found the bitmap :roll:

i think the transfer from 'name' is not ok .

Sorry for my bad english.