From SDL.pas:
[pascal] // Everything in the pixel format structure is read-only
PSDL_PixelFormat = ^TSDL_PixelFormat;
TSDL_PixelFormat = record
palette: PSDL_Palette;
BitsPerPixel: UInt8;
BytesPerPixel: UInt8;
Rloss: UInt8;
Gloss: UInt8;
Bloss: UInt8;
Aloss: UInt8;
Rshift: UInt8;
Gshift: UInt8;
Bshift: UInt8;
Ashift: UInt8;
RMask: UInt32;
GMask: UInt32;
BMask: UInt32;
AMask: UInt32;
colorkey: UInt32; // RGB color key information
alpha: UInt8; // Alpha value information (per-surface alpha)

Why is this entire record stated to be read-only? I'm trying to set up a routine to load an image format not covered by SDL_image, and I need access to the palette. What's going on here, and how can I work around it?