Wodzu...yeah I can do that; I don't think you can attach files here, i mean the .jar file.

Or can you?

It is quite simple I've tested it on my p990i (yes...i know...should not have bought one) and an old antiquated 128 x128 MIDP 1.0 device.

I don't have a website to upload it to either...yet...

It's a colour game, with levels and records also the High score; graphics based on not image files but by using drawing commands...

Now I can post the code on here for all to see or did you just want to see the code in how I did it?

If I do it that way; then you need to download MIDlet Pascal for which is was written in....you can go to www.midletpascal.com to get this...

(If you know MIDlet Pascal then you may know that their website has been inactive...well now it isn't)