Thanks guys

I first tried to do the whole concept in SDL, and had it working (except video but did play with the video samples) but due to the scaling etc that is needed I decided that the SDL only version wasn't going to work for this need.

Another problem with SDL is the number of DLLs that need to be distributed.

So that made me decide to try for a native OpenGL option but I cant get it working.

The problem for me with the demos from Sulaco is this line:
glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, AviInfo.dwWidth, AviInfo.dwHeight, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, Framedata);

Whenever I move it into a TVideo class it hangs the program. If I leave it as
glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, Video.AviInfo.dwWidth, Video.AviInfo.dwHeight, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, Video.Framedata);
(ie calling the objects inside the object instead of being inside the object Video being an existing instance of TVideo)
it works fine. As you know I don't like fiddling with Game Engine type stuff (I'm not clever enough ) so I just want it working .

PS. If the demos dont work try changing this (or similar) line in GetAVIFrame
if AVIElapsedTime > AVILength then
if AVIElapsedTime >= AVILength then
Seemed to work for me in both demos that errored. (but I think the last frame in each video is then missing)

Maybe I should try add the smpeg with opengl option to my S2DL libraries and then use that for the Authoring Software. (Currently S2DL works with JEDI-SDL and OpenGL or with Phoenix2D lib as base renderer)
