System: Windows XP (but would like cross platform)
Compiler/IDE: Delphi 7 - but would like working FPK cross compile Linux/MacOS
Libraries/API: OpenGL (would also accept a working example in DirectX 7 as the solution needs to work on "older" PCs)

Hi All

I am trying very hard to get a rather simple OpenGL example working. I require the folling to be working in my example

1. Open a OpenGL window
2. Using OO have the following components
2a. A video Class (Open AVI, Draw AVI at Location, Close AVI/Free)
2b. A Image/Texture Class (OpenFile, DrawImage at Location, Close File/Free)

I have been trying to modify the following internet examples to achieve this without much luck:

Sulaco OpenGL video example:

Tutorial 35 from Nehe:

(Also tried adding the video concepts into other examples such as the Sulaco glWindows example - without any success).

Would some one out there be so kind as to build me a simple project that achieves these few goals. I am planning on building a Cross Platform Open Source, Multimedia Authoring tool. Images, and Video are my very simplest requirements for the application. Once I have these basic requirements working I will start adding the additional functionality such as transitions, buttons, slide show and scripting options.

My thanks to anyone that can help me out.