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Thread: polygon clipping (csg) 2d

  1. #1

    polygon clipping (csg) 2d

    Delphi 2005 pro
    C conversion


    2D gives more chalenges then i expected.
    Now i am trying to merge 2 polygon shapes to a new one.
    Doing a search on the inet i found the following: That looks doable. But looking at the c source i get somewhat confused again as:

    typedef struct _node 
      int x, y; 
      struct _node *next; 
      struct _node *prev; 
      struct _node *nextPoly;   /* pointer to the next polygon */ 
      struct _node *neighbor;   /* the coresponding intersection point */ 
      int intersect;            /* 1 if an intersection point, 0 otherwise */ 
      int entry;                /* 1 if an entry point, 0 otherwise */ 
      int visited;              /* 1 if the node has been visited, 0 otherwise */ 
      float alpha;              /* intersection point placemet */ 
    } node;
    In delphi that could be written as:
    tnode = class;
    pnode = ^tnode;
    tnode = class
      x, y: single;
      next: pnode;
      prev: pnode;
      nextPoly: pnode;   // pointer to the next polygon */
      neighbor : pnode;   // the coresponding intersection point */
      intersect: bool;            // 1 if an intersection point, 0 otherwise */
      entry: bool;                // 1 if an entry point, 0 otherwise */
      visited: bool;              // 1 if the node has been visited, 0 otherwise */
      alpha: single;              // intersection point placemet */
    Now i would rather use a record. But this does not work:
    tnode = record;
    pnode = ^tnode;
    Now this is initialized as:
    node *s=0, *c=0, *root=0;
    What is happening here assing 0 to record? I gues i have just to create my object and/or record here.
    The following also confuses me ( i think i either adds point for polygon a or for polygon b).

    void add(Widget w, int which_button, int x, int y, void *data) 
      node *new; 
      if (!DRAW) return; 
      if (which_button == 1) 
            new = malloc(sizeof(node)); 
            new->x = x; 
            new->y = y; 
            new->prev = 0;        /* not need to initialize with 0 after malloc ... */ 
            new->nextPoly = 0; 
            new->neighbor = 0; 
            new->intersect = 0; 
            new->entry = 0; 
            new->visited = 0; 
            new->alpha = 0.; 
            if (DRAW == 1) 
                    new->next = s; 
                    if (s) s->prev = new; 
                    s = new; 
            else /* DRAW == 2 */ 
                    new->next = c; 
                    if (c) c->prev = new; 
                    c = new; 
            redisplay(W[3], X, Y, NULL); 
      else if (which_button == 3) 
            DRAW = DRAW==1 ? 2:0; 
            redisplay(W[3], X, Y, NULL); 
    What is happinging here:
            if (DRAW == 1) 
                    new->next = s; 
                    if (s) s->prev = new; 
                    s = new; 
    the s that was created empty before is assigned to next.
    now the prev of s is compared to new that is the point that is currently added? Or is s compared to prev of s and if that is the case it is made the new value? aarghh....
    finaly the new is made the new s. I am getting confused here.
    Thank for your help in advance. - create adventure games without programming

  2. #2

    polygon clipping (csg) 2d

    for the time being i wrote it like this:
    pnode = ^tnode;
    tnode = record
      x, y: single;
      next: pnode;
      prev: pnode;
      nextPoly: pnode;   // pointer to the next polygon */
      neighbor : pnode;   // the coresponding intersection point */
      intersect: bool;            // 1 if an intersection point, 0 otherwise */
      entry: bool;                // 1 if an entry point, 0 otherwise */
      visited: bool;              // 1 if the node has been visited, 0 otherwise */
      alpha: single;              // intersection point placemet */
      s: pnode;
    procedure Add(x,y: single);
      newnode : pnode;
            newnode.x := x;
            newnode.y := y;
            newnode.prev := nil;        // not need to initialize with 0 after malloc ...
            newnode.nextPoly := nil;
            newnode.neighbor := nil;
            newnode.intersect := false;
            newnode.entry := false;
            newnode.visited := false;
            newnode.alpha := 0.0;
   := s;
            if &#40;s<>nil&#41; then
              s.prev &#58;= newnode;
            s &#58;= newnode;
    Only to me it seems that prev and next should be named the oposite. e.g. prev should be next and next should be prev? - create adventure games without programming


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