Quote Originally Posted by JSoftware
noeska, to my knowledge, joystick input in mmsystem uses the 0..65535 where 0 is completely to one side and 65535 is completely to the other side.
Buttons are bitpacked into a byte structure afaik.

Have you calibrated your joystick?
Would be nice if it were so. But it is not. Total left = -1000 and total right = 1000. So: -1000 to -470 then 0 then 470 to 1000. And that goes for all axis on my gamepad.
And yes it is calibrated.

@Brainer: How do i use your source as cannot seem to find anything like onkeypress and the likes.

Oops ops:
I feel stupid as i found the following lines:
constructor TGamepad.Create; 
  inherited Create; 
  DeviceNr := 0; 
  Range := 1000; 
  DeadZone := 400; 
I skipped one of my rules as not to use an unit/component that i haven't studied. Now i did and it all makes sense.