
my project idea seems to be going ok, although I have hit some problems with GLscene that I am stuck with. If you could help me with these issues I would be very apreciative.

1) Is it possible to pass a 3D array to the terrain renderer to be processed, rather than using a bitmap HDS

2) is it possible to directly dictate the coordinate of each corner of a cube, so as to make elongated cubes?

3) How does the BSP system differ than the use of polygons and cubes?

4) when create a cube during run time by

how can you refer to each indivial cube i.e. the 3rd or 20th cube?

5) And for a non glscene question, is it only and Delphi 7 and below which are incompatible with vista or are all version of delphi 2003 etc.. incompatilble?

Many thanks for the help!
