
Quote Originally Posted by Whitt
1) Is it possible to pass a 3D array to the terrain renderer to be processed, rather than using a bitmap HDS
Yip, it is possible, yet I have never done it before. The best example of this is demo called synthterr.
Quote Originally Posted by Whitt
2) is it possible to directly dictate the coordinate of each corner of a cube, so as to make elongated cubes?
I don't really understand your question, but if you want to make cuboids, just scale the cube using Scale property. Set it fx. to (1.0; 3.0; 2.0).
Quote Originally Posted by Whitt
3) How does the BSP system differ than the use of polygons and cubes?
Quote Originally Posted by Whitt
4) when create a cube during run time by
how can you refer to each indivial cube i.e. the 3rd or 20th cube?
You can simply name each of the cubes and then select them by their names. Or use this:
I: Integer;
TheCube: TGLCube;
TheCube := nil;
for I := 0 to GLDummyCube1.Count -1 do
if (GLDummyCube1.Children[I] is TGLCube) then
if (I = 2) then
TheCube := (GLDummyCube1.Children[I] as TGLCube);

if Assigned(TheCube) then
TheCube.Material.FrontProperties.Diffuse.Color := clrRed;
Quote Originally Posted by Whitt
5) And for a non glscene question, is it only and Delphi 7 and below which are incompatible with vista or are all version of delphi 2003 etc.. incompatilble?
I once had D7 working under Vista, so it seems that it's compatible.